
Leb Acholi

The Leb Acholi , as an integral component of the cultural and social identity of the Acholi people, plays a crucial role in the preservation and expression of their heritage. It is part of the Luo languages, it connects the Acholi people linguistically and historically to a broader spectrum of cultures in Africa.

Acholi Science

The Acholi people are an ethnic group from the Acholi northern Uganda and  south of south Sudan, and science within this community can encompass traditional knowledge systems, modern scientific engagement, education, and practices as they relate to the acholi culture and society.

Dho Luo

Dholuo is the language spoken by Jo Luo- a Nilotic ethnic group living in the Nyanza region of Kenya and north Mara region of Tanzania.They form part of a larger group of ethno-linguistically related luo people of East Africa among them are Anywaa, Pari, Shilluk, Padhola, lang'o  Acholi, and of course Jonam of western Uganda and Eastern D.R Congo.

Joluo Science

The Luo people are an ethnic group from the Luo Kenya and  Tanzania, and science within this community can encompass traditional knowledge systems, modern scientific engagement, education, and practices as they relate to the Luo culture and society.

Leb Lango

Leb Lango is a language spoken by the Lango people, is an integral aspect of their cultural identity and heritage. The Lango people are a significant ethnic group in Northern Uganda, with an estimated population of around 4 million individuals. This population is dispersed across several districts in the region, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the Lango culture. They are found in the districts of Lira, Alebtong, Otuke, Amolatar, Dokolo, Apac, Kole, Oyam and Kwania

Lango Science

The Alur people are an ethnic group from the Alur Northern Uganda and Eastern congo, and science within this community can encompass traditional knowledge systems, modern scientific engagement, education, and practices as they relate to the Acholi culture and society.